
SME Project


Small and medium size organisations are performed their operations at small scale. These play an important role in enhancing the overall growth of the country. Through these, nation will be able to maintain their relations with the other countries by performing the trade activities with other nation. Along with this, due to these type of business organisation the overall wealth can be improved (Heagney, 2016). Micro and medium size enterprise help the enterprise in enhancing the employment rate so that overall spending level of the people can be improved. These companies have to follow all legislative laws and acts so that they can ensure smooth functioning at their workplace. The present report is based on Cath Kidston Ltd which perform their operations in retail sector. They are performing their operations at small scale so their overall profitability is not high. In this context, the report explains the different research objectives and methods that are used by an enterprise so that their overall performance can be improved.

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Research Objectives

The present report is based on the employee motivation and how this will affect the performance of an organisation. By implementing effective strategies and approaches an enterprise will be able to achieve their sustainable objectives so that their overall objectives can be accomplished. The present research project is based on some of the aims and objectives so that their overall performance can be improved in a successful manner.

Aim: To identify the impact of organisational culture on the employee motivation of Cath Kidston Ltd so that their overall performance can be enhanced in a successful manner.

Objectives: There are some of the objectives that are set by an enterprise while preparing this project research report. Some of these objectives are:

  • To identify the concept of organisational culture and employees motivation.
  • To analyse the organisational culture of Cath kidston Ltd in order to enhance the culture of the small and business enterprise.
  • To analyse the impact of organisational culture on the employees motivation in Cath kidston Ltd.
  • To identify the issues and challenges that are associated with the enterprise while establishing the business in the marketplace.
  • To determine the extent to which an organisational culture affect the overall growth of the enterprise in the market.
  • To identify the relationship between the organisational culture and other objectives of the small business enterprise.

Literature Review

This is an essential part of the project research as through this researcher will be able to identify the various process that are necessary in order to enhance the motivation level of the employees.

According to the Marcelino-Sádaba and et. al., (2014)small and medium size enterprises are performed their operations in an efficient manner in the country. These are the backbone of the countries overall economy and through this the employment rate can be increased and that will lead towards the success. On the other hand, a small business unit can perform some of the trade activities in order to establish their relations with other countries. So, in this manner the overall growth of the nation can be improved so they can attract number of industries towards their operations.

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Organisational culture

Organizational culture is the combination of behaviour and values that explains that how employees have to behave in an ethical manner so that their overall performance can be improved in an efficient manner. The particular culture of the firm can make their unique identity in the market. As per the view point of Turner, Ledwith and Kelly (2012)every business organisation have their own culture, values, beliefs and attitude. On the basis of this, an enterprise will be able to make their unique identify in the market as compare to other competitors. These values and different culture can affect the performance of their employees. Through this kind of behaviours, they set proper direction and guidelines for their staff members so that overall performance can be improved in an ethical manner. It has been analysed by Nicholas, Ledwith and Perks (2011)that there are some of the characteristics of the organisational culture on which they perform their business so that they can achieve success in the market. Some of the characteristics are like innovation, teamwork, results, work, emphasis on people, aggressiveness and stability.

Van Rooij (2011) stated that companies who focuses on the innovation they motivate their workers to take some risks so that their overall performance can be improved. Through this, an enterprise will be able to increase the motivation level among all the workers. There are some of the organisation who give more preferences to the teamwork culture so that overall relationship among the different members can be enhanced. On the contrary, there are some organizations who focuses on the results, work and their staff members. Through these cultural values, Cath kidston Ltd will be able to get success in the market.

Smit and Watkins (2012)says that employees satisfaction is necessary for an organisation as through this companies will be able to enhance their performance. When their satisfaction level is high then only they will be able to offer quality services to their customers. On the other hand, Boden and et. al (2012)stated that workers are the only one who directly interacts with the consumers so companies have to focus on their motivational level. For this, top executives of Cath kidston Ltd have to maintain their culture at the workplace so that people feel satisfied while performing their operations. Some of the motivational theories are like maslow's herarichy, theory X and Y, herzberg two factors theory and so on. Through these, their overall performance of an enterprise can be improved and their overall growth can be enhanced.

Impact of organisational cultural on the employees motivation

According to the views of Goni, Chofreh and Sahran (2011) organisational culture can affect the performance of their employees and their motivation level. If an enterprise adopt different culture at their workplace then this can influence the performance of the people who are working in the retail sector firm. If culture of the enterprise suit the personality of workers then through this their overall satisfaction level can be increased. On the other hand, if both culture and workers needs are not match with each other then due to this their overall motivation level will be influenced. When an entrepreneur establish their business in the market then they have to identify the strategies that are adopted by their competitors so that they can offer quality services to their customers in an effective manner.

Korczak, Dudycz and Dyczkowski (2012)says that if organisational commitment of workers is high in the organisation then through this they will be able to accomplish their objectives in an efficient manner. This kind of involvement and commitment is related to the loyalty of staff members towards the business goals. So, Cath kidston Ltd have to adopt an appropriate culture so that they can help the enterprise in achieving the success in the market. Along with this, they have to deal with their cultural competencies so that they can enhance their overall performance in the market.

As per the view point of Jochem, Geers and Heinze (2011)organisation cultural is an effective strategy that is followed by them in order to boost the performance of their workers. Through this, an enterprise make the strategies as per the expectations of their workers so that their overall performance can be enhanced. By adopting the cultural values, it can concluded that manager of retail industry is responsible for making the strategies so that their motivation level can be enhanced. If overall performance of the workforce is get decreased then an enterprise will not be able to achieve the success in the market and their profitability level is also get decreased.

Haddara and Zach (2011)says that when organisational culture is suitable for the particular business environment then through company will be able to attract number of customers towards their services. Due to this, they will be able to create a strong base of their consumers and that will lead towards the success. So, in this manner the retail industry will be able to achieve the success in the market and their overall revenues can be generated.

Further, Cath kidston Ltd can use different motivational tools so that their overall motivation level can be enhanced. Some of the techniques such as rewards, incentives so that their performance can be enhanced. Along with this, higher authority have to set some of their guidelines and code of practices so that their growth can be improved in an efficient manner.

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Research Methodology

This is the area in which company can conduct a research in order to gain the views of their employees and customers. This will be more helpful for an enterprise as through this they will be able to get the relevant and valuable data through primary and secondary sources. This methodology covers different areas so that analysis can be done in an appropriate manner. There are some of the key aspects that are used in this kind of research methodology and these are as follows:

Research philosophy:This kind of philosophy is used by an organisation in order perform the proper investigation and research so that overall objectives can be accomplished. There are some of the methods of research philosophy are used by an enterprise are like pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. Here, the researcher uses interpretivism kind of research philosophy so that their overall stated objectives can be accomplished in an efficient manner (Thiede, Posselt and Herrmann, 2013). This kind of method is more beneficial for the small samples, qualitative type of data collection methods. On the basis of this, the overall concept the understanding of the organisational culture and employees performance can be improved. Further, they can use some of the strategies in order to enhance the overall performance of their staff members by adopting an effective organisational culture.

Research approach:The organisation can use different kinds of research approaches in order to enhance their performance. Some of these approaches are like deductive and inductive. Deductive theory is a kind of test theory which based on the hypothesis, aims and objectives of particular project research. On the other hand, inductive is based on the generation of new theory and the research questions that are set by the researcher. Here, Cath kidston Ltd uses deductive approach by creating the specific aims, goals and hypothesis so that they will be able to match with the needs and demands of their workers (Ward and Daniel, 2013). On the basis of this approach, manager of retail industry will be able to enhance the identify the reviews of their staff members so that their objectives can be accomplished.

Research design: There are many different kinds of research design which can be used by an enterprise so that they can accomplish the objectives of project research. Here, retail organisation uses descriptive research design approach in order to make an effective analysis. In this kind of design, researcher uses literature and different studies in order accomplish the goals and objectives of research. Along with this, the firm will be able to get an effective result so that their overall performance can be improved in successful manner.

Research strategy: There are many different types of research strategies that are used by the manager of retail industry. Some of the strategies are like quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative research is used by an organisation so that they can get the data about their employees so that their overall performance can be improved. For this, they can use some of the methods such as questionnaire, focus group and so on (Gardet and Fraiha, 2012). On the other hand, there is another method that is quantitative research that will be done in the form of numerical data. For this, they can use some of the methods such as correlation analysis, regression analysis and so on. Here, the firm is using qualitative research in order to get the reviews of the workers so that their overall performance can be enhanced.

Data collection:In order to collect the data about the employees views and ideas, researcher of Cath kidston Ltd can use some of the data collection method. They can use different sources such as primary and secondary in order to gather the information so that their overall performance can be improved. Here, questionnaire can be used as a primary source so that they can collect the data in order to fulfil all the research objectives in an effective manner. On the other hand, researcher uses secondary sources in order to get the data about the employees and customers (Ollus and et. al., 2011). Some of these sources are books, journal, newspapers, internet and so on. Further, an enterprise can get the exact and valuable data from these different sources.

Sampling: It is a kind of technique that is used by the firm in order to distribute the data in an effective manner so that their overall performance can be improved (Silverman, 2016). There are different type of sampling techniques such as systematic, random and so on. Here, Cath kidston Ltd uses random sampling approach in order to make a sample and select an appropriate sample size. On the basis of this approach, they will be able to get the outcomes and divide the data in an efficient manner. Through this, researcher can get the views of their workers so that an effective organisational culture can be adopted in an efficient manner. For example, the sample size that is taken by the researcher is 15 staff members of retail industry. On the basis of the particular sample of the workers, an enterprise will be able to enhance their performance in the market.

Research ethics is related to the practices that are performed by the retail industry in order to ensure the smooth functioning at the work place. Through this, they will be able to protect all the rights of the humans so that their performance will not be effected. The entire research is based on the trust so that their overall objectives can be accomplished in an efficient manner (Neuman and Robson, 2012). There are some of the ethical issues that are associated with the overall process of the research project. This acts as a essential activity for the researcher as they have to taken into the actual permission for all the activities that are carried out for the further research. Through this, they can ensure the actual values and rights of the people who are associated with these kinds of activities.

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Data Analysis

The data can be analysed on the basis of the research that is carried out by the researcher. For this, they can use some of the tools and techniques such as mathematical models, charts graphs, data collection and so on. Here, the manager of Cath kidston Ltd can prepare a questionnaire for the sample size of 15. the retail industry select the employees of the organisation so that their ideas can be identified and their overall objectives can be accomplished. When higher authority will be able to identify the ideas and views of their staff members then they can adopt the changes and make strategies. Through this, they will be able to achieve success in the market. In order to analyse the data, firm can prepare a questionnaire so that relevant data can be gathered. The questionnaire is stated below:


Theme 1: Are you satisfied with the salary that is given by Cath kidston Ltd?

Are you satisfied with the salary that is given by Cath kidston Ltd?


Highly satisfied








Highly dissatisfied


From the above findings it has been analysed that there are approx 2 people who are highly satisfied with the salary that is given by the retail industry. There are 4 workers who are satisfied with the salary that is given by Cath kidston Ltd. On the other hand, there are 5 person who are not dissatisfied with the services that is given by the firm at the workplace. Along with this, there are 2 staff members who thinks that salary is not appropriate as per their post in the enterprise.

Theme 2: Satisfied with the benefits that are offered by retail industry?

Satisfied with the benefits that are offered by retail industry?


Highly satisfied








Highly dissatisfied


From the above data or information, it has been analysed that there there are some workers who are satisfied or dissatisfied. Along with this, there are some staff members who have neutral reaction on the benefits. So, as per the analysis it can be concluded that 3 people are highly satisfied, 4 person are satisfied, 2 workers have neutral reaction over this question, 3 staff members are dissatisfied with the benefits and 3 employees are highly dissatisfied with the benefits that they are getting from the retail industry.

Theme 3: Is organisational culture is suitable for the employees who are working at the workplace?

Is organisational culture is suitable for the employees who are working at the workplace?






Do not know


From the above findings, it can be analysed that organisational culture is not suitable for the workers who are performing their operations at the working. As from the above questionnaire, it can concluded that there are 4 people who are satisfied with the culture of Cath kidston Ltd and their 4 person who don't know about this. On the other hand, there are 7 workers who are not satisfied with the organisational culture.

Theme 4: Conflicts among all the people within the organisation?

Conflicts among all the people within the organisation?






From the above findings, it has been summarised that there are 10 employees who agreed that conflicts are raised among all the workers of the organisation. Due to this kind of culture, the overall motivation level of the employees is get influenced and an enterprise will not be able to enhance their performance. On the other hand, there are some of people like 5 who says that conflicts are arise among all the people. So in this manner, they have to make some appropriate strategies so that their overall performance can be improved by enhancing their motivation level.

Theme 5: What are the reasons due to which the overall performance of an organisation is not get improved?

What are the reasons due to which the overall performance of an organisation is not get improved?


Training and development


Job satisfaction


Work load


Ineffective communication among all the people


All the above


From the above findings, it has been summarised that there are some factors which may affect the performance of an enterprise. So, as per the above analysis 3 people says that training and development affect the performance and due to this their overall motivation level is get decreased. Along with this, some individuals think that job satisfaction is the factor and due to the motivation level their overall job satisfaction is get affected.

There are 4 person who says that communication is a factor and due to this the overall performance of the workers is get affected. So, communication gap should be reduced among all the staff members and follow an appropriate structure so that overall performance can be enhanced.

On the basis of the above mentioned questionnaire, it can be analysed that due to some of the factors the employees performance is get affected at the workplace. So, company can make appropriate strategies in order to enhance the overall culture of the country. By taking the reviews of the people an enterprise will be enhance their performance in the market and they will be able to increase the motivation level of their staff members. So, in this manner qualitative method can be used by the enterprise so that their overall performance can be

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